A quick roundup of the last 14 years or so

This website is terribly stale, and I haven’t had a chance to either spruce it up or burn it down. So until I do one or the other, please enjoy these links to a handful of random things I’ve written over the years:

How BusinessWeek measures user engagement

How do you get past those squishy pageview and unique visitor metrics and instead measure how users actually respond to the content you produce? My interview on this topic with BusinessWeek Online editor John Byrne (whom I met in Perugia at the International Journalism Festival a couple weeks ago) is now up on OJR. An excerpt:

Byrne: User engagement is how we nurture and build a community. Our reader engagement index is a comments-to-postings measure for a given month: So we will tally how many comments on X number of stories/blog posts that BusinessWeek.com published that month. This gives us a ratio figure that we track to determine our monthly reader engagement index and growth.

links for 2008-08-28

links for 2008-08-27

links for 2008-08-22

links for 2008-08-12 [delicious.com]

Update 2008.08.16: I’m having some trouble getting my Delicious bookmarks to post automatically to the blog. The first batch worked; subsequent updates didn’t. Anybody got any pointers? Is it even a good idea to include them in main blog feed, or should I just throw in a link somewhere and leave it at that?